Affordable Search Engine Ranking

If you’re looking for an affordable search engine ranking, in this article I’ll explain a ranking strategy I use to get completely free traffic from the search engines. Now keep in mind you can’t rank for any given keyword.

affordable search engine ranking

Many keywords have thousands upon thousands of competing websites for them. Especially in a competitive industry/niche. So ranking for those specific terms will be exceptionally difficult. It will require building of thousands of back links from authority sites and building up a site over time.

However, there’s a clever way you can build a site which gives you a good chance of getting ranked on Google, and other search engines. It’s known as a keyword domain name website.

Affordable Search Engine Ranking – What Are Keyword Domain Names?

A keyword domain name is a domain name which has a specific keyword in it. This site, for example, has been built around a specific keyword with Google search in mind “digital marketing mentors“.

Now you can’t just pick any old keyword, build a site around it and rank on the first page of Google. For starters, the most searched for keywords will have far too much competition. Secondly, those domain names have already been taken! Top terms such as “make money online” which have the largest number of monthly searches are far too competitive.

affordable search engine ranking

However, if you “niche down” and find a term which relates to your business but which offers much less competition, you have a chance of ranking your website on the first page of Google!

To do this you need to type your main keyword into Google’s keyword planner. Look at some keywords to build your site around.

Affordable Search Engine Ranking – Researching Keywords To Build A Niche Website Around

Your niche website will ultimately be built around a specific keyword of your choosing. This choice is an important one because it will largely determine whether you rank for that particular term on Google, (and/or the other search engines).

Head to Google’s keyword planner and type in your main “seed” keyword. So if you have a business selling gadgets, you would type “gadgets” into the planner.

Here’s some of the results which came up for this search:

Affordable Search Engine Ranking

If we choose a keyword from this list, we can compare the relative competitiveness on Google with a quick search:

keyword research for niche website building

This search brings up a number of the top of Google (on a desktop computer/laptop). You can see it in the image above: 270,000,000. Next, do a phrase match search for the term in quotation marks like so:

finding a low competition keyword for a niche website

Again, you see a number at the top which denotes the number of competing web pages for this particular term. This term is far too competitive, so we need to look for something with less competition, so we have more chance of ranking our website and getting free traffic!

Finding A Long Tail Keyword Which Can Rank

You can browse through the keyword planner and look for less competitive keyword phrases which would make a good name for your website. Look at the longer tail keywords which have fewer monthly searches.

These are the ones which have less competition on Google. Although they get less traffic than the competitive terms, they also have fewer competing websites. So if you build a website around the term, you have a much higher chance of getting ranked and therefore getting free traffic from your niche website.

Here’s an example of a keyword I spotted in this niche “inexpensive gadgets for guys”:

using google keyword planner

Looking on Google, you can see this term is far less competitive that the last example:

finding a low competition keyword
affordable search engine rankings

I’m fairly confident that if you built a site around this term, you would get a slice of the traffic. Still you need to consider how much it’s worth building a site for a keyword which only gets 140 monthly views. This might not be enough for what we want. Even if we rank our site at the top of Google, we still only share those searches with the other top 3-4 websites which rank. This only amounts to a couple of hits a day on our website – if we rank!

Here’s a better one which gets far more monthly views “tech gifts for men“:

This might be more difficult to rank a site for, but you can see for a phrase match it look fairly uncompetitive. However, you’re still going up against bit companies when you look at a basic Google search (GQ Magazine and John Lewis are the top results):

Buying A Keyword Domain Name

Once you have chosen a good keyword, look on for a domain name with your keyword in it. Ideally get a .com if you have an international business. If your business is local, look for the local domain name suffix which is most appropriate to your country. So for the UK where I am, if I had a locally based business it would be

If you can’t get your exact domain name, look for one with something added at the end, rather than the beginning. With this site for example I added “online” to the end of the domain name.

What’s Your Niche?

By finding a good keyword phrase within your niche and which fits the search criteria of your target market persona, you can ultimately build a website which brings in customers completely for free (apart from the domain and hosting cost of course)! Of course there’s some work to be done on your website too once you have built it. Use an SEO plugin to help you create some content on your site which targets your customer avatar.

You can use this same strategy to build content into your website which attracts more searches too. Simply look for the low hanging fruit in terms of uncompetitive keywords. Create content around those keywords and hey presto, more traffic!

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